Interview with Filipe de Almeida: Securing Road Transport Across Africa

05 Nov 2023
Interview with Filipe de Almeida: Securing Road Transport Across Africa

SMART Security Solutions spoke to Filipe de Almeida, the Corporate Security and Loss Prevention Manager at Rangel Logistics Solutions, and the Portugal & Spain Regional TAPA EMEA Lead, to understand what are the biggest challenges and difficulties in guaranteeing safe road transport on the African continent.

"De Almeida says that every aspect of the journey must be planned in advance. This includes the route to be taken and possible alternative routes should something go wrong or if there are potential threats on the planned route, customs and border crossing issues, road damage, criminal enterprises, and the ever-present dangers of vehicles breaking down.

Rangel prepares in advance for these and more risks and runs two control rooms, one in Portugal and one in South Africa, where it uses GPS and a range of communications technologies to keep track of its convoys and speak to the respective persons when required. These control rooms run 24/7 and are managed by carefully planned workflows to ensure a quick response to any emergency.

It collects information from various sources about routes, including TAPA EMEA’s TIS system, to change routes or recalculate expected arrival times due to road conditions, adverse weather, or any unexpected occurrences.”

Read the full interview here: