Partnerships and Distinctions

ANACOM - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
We are licensed by ANACOM as a postal service provider in its national and international express mail transport units.

IMT - Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes
We are a company authorized by IMT to carry out our activity.

Abimota – Associação Nacional das Indústrias de Duas Rodas, Ferragens, Mobiliário e Afins
Rangel Logistics Solutions is a member of ABIMOTA, an association that has brought together suppliers to the Two-Wheeler, Hardware, Furniture and Related Industries since 1975, with the aim of representing the interests of the sector and organising close cooperation between Members for the defence and promotion of the legitimate interests of their Companies, with a view to the development of the activity they carry out and the economic and social progress of the country.
Rangel Logistics Solutions is a member of ABIMOTA, an association that has brought together suppliers to the Two-Wheeler, Hardware, Furniture and Related Industries since 1975, with the aim of representing the interests of the sector and organising close cooperation between Members for the defence and promotion of the legitimate interests of their Companies, with a view to the development of the activity they carry out and the economic and social progress of the country.

AFIA - Associação de Fabricantes para a Indústria Automóvel
Rangel Logistics Solutions is a member of AFIA, an association that has brought together suppliers to the automotive industry since 1966, with the aim of representing the interests of the sector, promoting competitiveness, exports and the internationalisation of member companies.
Rangel Logistics Solutions is a member of AFIA, an association that has brought together suppliers to the automotive industry since 1966, with the aim of representing the interests of the sector, promoting competitiveness, exports and the internationalisation of member companies.

ANIERM - Associação Nacional de Importadores e Exportadores da República Mexicana
Rangel Mexico is a member of ANIERM, the most representative association specialised in foreign trade in Mexico, with 77 years of experience. It supports Mexican importers and exporters, develops an intense and permanent institutional action before different public and private bodies and institutions with the aim of creating and maintaining an environment that facilitates business activity and the development of Mexico's commercial exchange with the world.
APAT - Associação dos Transitários de Portugal
APAT is the national association for PT-registered and licensed companies engaged in international freight forwarding activity - understood as the planning and organization of operations for the international transport of goods by all modes of transport (air, road, rail and sea), along with complementary logistics operations and distribution activities.

APGEI - Associação Portuguesa de Gestão e Engenharia Industrial
APGEI is a non-profit organisation founded in 1985 by a group of companies and universities with the aim of strengthening the link between universities and companies, contributing to the training of company executives and promoting debate on current issues and development. It essentially positions itself as an association of managers, whose mission is to contribute to improving the management practices of the business community and to the development of the country.
APGEI is a non-profit organisation founded in 1985 by a group of companies and universities with the aim of strengthening the link between universities and companies, contributing to the training of company executives and promoting debate on current issues and development. It essentially positions itself as an association of managers, whose mission is to contribute to improving the management practices of the business community and to the development of the country.

APLOG - Associação Portuguesa de Logística
APLOG aims to promote and contribute to the study and development of logistics sector in Portugal.

APOL - Associação Portuguesa de Operadores Logísticos
APOL aims to promote the country competitiveness by promoting logistics subcontracting.

ARTIM - Art Transporters International Meeting
Feirexpo is a member of ARTIM, organization that brings together the premier fine art logistic companies from around the world. The organization has 61 participant companies located in 45 countries, with offices located in every major city worldwide.

IAM - International Association of Movers
The International Association of Movers represents more than 2,000 companies in over 170 countries. More than movers, these companies are partners and innovators in the delivery of moving, forwarding, shipping, logistics and related services. IAM affiliation increasingly signifies strength, trust, diversity, ethics, reliability and accountability.
The International Association of Movers represents more than 2,000 companies in over 170 countries. More than movers, these companies are partners and innovators in the delivery of moving, forwarding, shipping, logistics and related services. IAM affiliation increasingly signifies strength, trust, diversity, ethics, reliability and accountability.

IAMX - Mobility Exchange
IAMX is a special status granted to strong and reliable partners of the association. Being validated as IAMX provides our clients with the assurance that the service quality confirms that we are duly licensed, that our processes are in compliance, among other things. At Rangel, we are committed to providing the highest possible quality moving service to meet your needs, regardless of the type of move to any part of the world.
IAMX is a special status granted to strong and reliable partners of the association. Being validated as IAMX provides our clients with the assurance that the service quality confirms that we are duly licensed, that our processes are in compliance, among other things. At Rangel, we are committed to providing the highest possible quality moving service to meet your needs, regardless of the type of move to any part of the world.

IAMTrusted - Moving Company
The IAMTrusted Moving Company (ITMC) is a recognition programme for IAM member companies that have invested in the competence, knowledge and awareness of their staff and demonstrate their reliability to all players in the sector. Obtaining ITMC credentials also allows Rangel to collaborate with like-minded partners, thus reducing inefficiency and risk.
The IAMTrusted Moving Company (ITMC) is a recognition programme for IAM member companies that have invested in the competence, knowledge and awareness of their staff and demonstrate their reliability to all players in the sector. Obtaining ITMC credentials also allows Rangel to collaborate with like-minded partners, thus reducing inefficiency and risk.
IATA - International Air Transport Association
We’re IATA agents,
The International Air Transport Association, that represents the world’s
airlines and we’re specialists in DGR freight, perishable, temperature controlled
and pharmaceutical transport. Proudly, our know-how and the evaluation of our
customers have allowed us to be in the top 5 of the IATA ranking in Portugal.

IELA - International Exhibition Logistics Association
IELA is the global industry network that provides top performance and expertise for exhibition logistics. Rangel, as a member of IELA, is a company recognized for adhering to operational excellence standards, going above and beyond the usual, and providing the necessary support and assurance to make your exhibition a success.
IELA is the global industry network that provides top performance and expertise for exhibition logistics. Rangel, as a member of IELA, is a company recognized for adhering to operational excellence standards, going above and beyond the usual, and providing the necessary support and assurance to make your exhibition a success.

ICEFAT - International Convention of Exhibition and Fine Art Transporters
Feirexpo is a member of ICEFAT, International
Convention of Exhibition and Fine Art Transportation, and is currently a market
leader and trustworthy company for many Portuguese Museums.

MOBINOV - Automotive Cluster
Rangel Logistics Solutions is a member of Mobinov, a platform that brings together knowledge and expertise in the automotive industry, with the aim of promoting increased competitiveness and internationalisation in the sector. It also aims to help make Portugal a benchmark in research, innovation, design, development, manufacture and testing of products and services for the automotive industry.
Rangel Logistics Solutions is a member of Mobinov, a platform that brings together knowledge and expertise in the automotive industry, with the aim of promoting increased competitiveness and internationalisation in the sector. It also aims to help make Portugal a benchmark in research, innovation, design, development, manufacture and testing of products and services for the automotive industry.

PCG - devoloped by FIDI
In May 2018, FIDI and the IAM signed an agreement for the IAM to adopt the Professional Cooperation Guidelines (PCGs). The Guidelines act as an operational manual and best practice document that sets out how companies in the moving industry should collaborate to fulfil international shipments, whether as a booking agent, origin agent or destination agent. This agreement now lays the foundations for the PCGs to be recognised as an industry standard by both FIDI Affiliates and IAM Members of which Rangel is a part.
In May 2018, FIDI and the IAM signed an agreement for the IAM to adopt the Professional Cooperation Guidelines (PCGs). The Guidelines act as an operational manual and best practice document that sets out how companies in the moving industry should collaborate to fulfil international shipments, whether as a booking agent, origin agent or destination agent. This agreement now lays the foundations for the PCGs to be recognised as an industry standard by both FIDI Affiliates and IAM Members of which Rangel is a part.

TAPA - Transported Asset Protection Association
TAPA is an internationally recognized leader in the fight against cargo crime.

FEDEX - Global Service Participant (GSP) in Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde
Rangel is the Global Service Participant (GSP) for FedEx Express in Angola since 2007, Cape Verde since 2015, Mozambique since 2018 and Tanzania since 2022. Between 1999 and 2019, Rangel was the Global Service Participant (GSP) for FedEx Express in Portugal, operating since June 2019 as an authorized reseller.
System Alliance Europe
Rangel is part of System Alliance Europe, which is a network of 48 leading medium-sized transportation companies with 153 facilities in 29 European countries. Since 2005, the network has represented innovative solutions and reliability in the transportation and logistics sector, particularly in the field of consolidated cargo transportation.

Global Service Agent Tap Cargo - Cabo Verde
Rangel is the general sales and cargo agent in Cape Verde. Responsible for promoting services, selling and supervising operations provided to TAP Cargo customers.

WCAworld is the largest and most powerful network of independent freight forwarders in the world, with over 10,000 member offices in 194 countries around the globe. The combined logistics capability of WCAworld members surpasses that of even the largest multinational freight forwarders in the world.
WCAworld is the largest and most powerful network of independent freight forwarders in the world, with over 10,000 member offices in 194 countries around the globe. The combined logistics capability of WCAworld members surpasses that of even the largest multinational freight forwarders in the world.
AEO - Authorised Economic Operator
The AEO concept is based on the Customs-to-Business partnership introduced by the World Customs Organisation (WCO). Traders who voluntarily meet a wide range of criteria work in close cooperation with customs authorities to assure the common objective of supply chain security and are entitled to enjoy benefits throughout the EU.

ISO 9001 e ISO 14001 Certification
We are certified by Bureau Veritas by the standard ISO 9001:2015 at the companies: Rangel Transitários, Eduardo Rangel Despachante Oficial, Rangel Distribuição e Logística e Rangel Internacional Aérea e Marítima.
We are certified by Bureau Veritas by the standard ISO 14001:2015 at the companies: Rangel Distribuição e Logística, Rangel Transitários e Rangel Internacional Aérea e Marítima.

ISO 45001 Certification
We are certified by Bureau Veritas by the standard ISO 45001:2018 at the companie: Rangel Distribuição e Logística.

50001:2018 Certification
We are certified by Bureau Veritas by the standard ISO 50001:2018 at the companie: Rangel Distribuição e Logística.
We are certified by Bureau Veritas by the standard ISO 50001:2018 at the companie: Rangel Distribuição e Logística.

Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) - Angola
In recognition of compliance with tax, customs and commercial legislation, Angola's General Tax Administration (AGT) has certified Rangel Angola as an Authorized Economic Operator (OEA), thus benefiting from swift and priority treatment in customs clearance and transit processes.

Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) - South Africa
In recognition of compliance with tax, customs and trade legislation, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) recognizes Rangel Logistics SA (Pty) Ltd, as an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), thus benefiting from swift and priority treatment in the processes of customs clearance and transit of goods.

2023 APAT Seal of Excellence
Rangel Internacional - Aérea e Marítima, S.A. was recognized for the sixth consecutive year by the APAT Seal of Excellence, for the quality, credibility, reliability and security of the services provided through the requirements established by the Association.
Rangel Internacional - Aérea e Marítima, S.A. was recognized for the sixth consecutive year by the APAT Seal of Excellence, for the quality, credibility, reliability and security of the services provided through the requirements established by the Association.

Lisbon European Green Capital 2020 Commitment
Rangel signed the Lisbon Capital Green European Commitment 2020, and presented a set of 13 measures that it undertakes to implement within the scope of its sustainability policy. Among them are solutions focused on energy consumption management, water management, awareness raising, mobility and circular economy. Lisbon is distinguished for the first time as European Green Capital, given its evolution in all environmental parameters (energy, water, mobility, waste and green infrastructure and biodiversity).
Rangel signed the Lisbon Capital Green European Commitment 2020, and presented a set of 13 measures that it undertakes to implement within the scope of its sustainability policy. Among them are solutions focused on energy consumption management, water management, awareness raising, mobility and circular economy. Lisbon is distinguished for the first time as European Green Capital, given its evolution in all environmental parameters (energy, water, mobility, waste and green infrastructure and biodiversity).

Millennium 2023 Applauso Partner
Distinction granted by the entrepreneurial vision and contribution to the economy, attributed by Millennium BCP. The "Company Aplauso" program is a joint campaign between Rangel and Millennium BCP, which allows 20.000 associated customers have access to exclusive discounts.

Top Exports 2017
Several Rangel business units were distinguished by Top Exporta 2017, a recognition promoted by Banco Santander Totta and which distinguishes the best Portuguese exporting companies.
Consortium Projects Portugal
The Aero.Next Mobilizing Agenda focuses on the aeronautical sector, aiming to develop complete aeronautical programs in Portugal.
See here: Project File Rangel Invest, SA .
See here: Project File Rangel Distribuição e Logística, SA .
See here: Project File Rangel Invest, SA .
See here: Project File Rangel Distribuição e Logística, SA .

AM2R is the Mobilising Agenda for business innovation in the two-wheel sector in Portugal.
See here: Project File Rangel Invest, SA.
See here: Project File Rangel Distribuição e Logística, SA .
See here: Project File Rangel Invest, SA.
See here: Project File Rangel Distribuição e Logística, SA .

Nexus is the green and digital transition agenda for Transport, Logistics and Mobility.
See here: Project File Rangel Invest, SA

Sustainability and resilience for infrastructure and logistics networks.
See here: SARIL (

R2UTechnologies | modular systems
R2Tech aims to profoundly change the production profile of the modular construction sector, promoting its evolution from a labour-intensive production paradigm to a knowledge-intensive one.
See here: Project File Rangel Invest, SA